How to Create Content with Audience Engagement

There is a method to build momentum, gain followers, influence people, and succeed as a content creator. This post is for anyone seeking successful strategies. This is about how to create content with audience engagement.

These fundamentals apply to all types of content including video, writing, audio and visual content.

Why should you believe me?

I’d like to suggest two important considerations:

  • Is this post readable?
  • Does the content make good sense to you?

Frankly, it’s hardly about me. I’m sharing the wise advice of many content creators who articulated their ideas online. From that foundation, I’m focusing on concepts that resonate with me. These are ideas I’m organizing and implementing with artfulnotebook.

I’m paying attention to internet leaders and soaking it in.

And I’m taking notes…

Get Started Now

You have to start now. You will get better over time.

If you are thinking about what you will do in the future but you not taking any action, make a change.

Planning is not bad but action is everything. As soon as possible, your process needs to be action-oriented.

Grab Attention!

If you don’t catch attention, nobody will benefit from your content. Hook the audience with a bold visual that catches their eye, or a headline that provokes curiosity.

This shirt is available on the artfulnotebook Etsy page.

Click here to check it out.

Document Your Process Publicly

Begin publishing content along the way, as you learn, not after you master the craft.

Documenting your process publicly allows your content to start compounding. Your online presence grows. You start to understand what people like. Your audience begins to know and trust you. You learn from your successes and mistakes. You encounter problems and then you solve them.

Produce Frequent Content

You must produce frequent content to be discovered, and to build skills. It might sound daunting, but you can do it. Keep reading to understand how to produce frequent content.

Focus on quantity but do it in a smart and strategic way. Do it right and quantity leads to quality.

Remember, every time you publish content, you increase the opportunity for someone to discover your work. Your content compounds. Over time, you gain followers, you learn more techniques, you get feedback, your quality improves.

Being a perfectionist slows the process too much. Taking action is key.

Learn to Generate Ideas

How is it possible to think of one idea after another, day by day?

If this sounds difficult, take some pressure off.

  1. You don’t have to be original every day. Allow yourself to share ideas you’ve seen before. Put your personal twist on it. Don’t copy, of course. Borrowing from others is common practice among artists and content creators. If you try to invent all original content, it will slow you down too much. Besides, people tend to search for established concepts. Help them find you. Publish what they are looking for.
  2. Take notes immediately when ideas arise. Your great ideas will hit at unexpected times. Find a way to take notes no matter where you are. Use notebooks. Use devices and apps. Don’t let the good ideas fade away. Then, go check your notes when are ready to work.
  3. Be a continuous learner. Your preferred way to learn is just fine, It could be through reading books, listening to podcasts, or watching videos. What is important is that you take control of the content you consume and learn, learn, learn.

Follow Your Interests

To find inspiration, follow your true interests. Be yourself. Apply concepts and information from what you are already reading, listening to and watching. You’ll do better work when you care about the subject matter.

Remember, even when you share ideas that are not new, your individual interpretation and presentation matters. Cultivate your specific style.

When you are sincere and honest, your audience will recognize your authenticity. Be yourself to connect with an audience that gets you and gives you inspiration in return.

Let Your Audience Guide You

When you post content, you must pay close attention to the audience response. Let the audience guide you. Create content with audience engagement.

Audience engagement can take the form of likes, comments, or sharing your content. Notice how they response. Many tools are available to analyze audience engagement data.

When content is well-liked, double down and post similar items. Your audience will teach you through the way they respond. You will learn the keys to content creation and audience attention.

Who is the audience? It could be the whole world, in theory. However, while you are gaining traction, pay attention to the audience you have. Start by sharing content in your personal style, then listen to the people who discover you, and fine-tune your approach.

Also, you have a wonderful opportunity to interact with people. Ask for feedback. Express appreciation to your audience. Comment on their pages and posts. Send out surveys. Make friends and connections.

Guide Your Audience Too

Your audience likes you and wants your influence. You can help them. Find opportunities to guide them towards new ideas, useful information, products and services. Focus on providing value to your audience. Approach content creation with the mindset that you want to give to people. Seek to understand them and solve their problems. You want long-term success, and you want to earn trust.

But how is this accomplished?

Interact with your audience and ask questions to understand who they are and what they need. Once you understand what they are seeking, you are not required to invent new ideas. You don’t need to be a genius problem solver. But do research. Discover solutions. Connect the dots. Solve problems. Learn and share. Help them.

You also want to create a path and guide your audience to you.

People will find you through well-established platforms where you post content such as social media sites. However, these platforms and your connections there can be fleeting. Guide your audience to something you own and control. Invite them to your website. Encourage them to sign up for your email list. Many creators recommend starting an email list as soon as possible.

Connect to Emotions

When you are aiming to create content with audience engagement, connect to emotions. Whether you are relating to desires or making someone laugh, emotions inspire people to take action.

Develop Content Creation Systems

Good systems increase efficiency and effectiveness. A well-designed approach will enable you to make more and better content. Be strategic.

  • As you figure out what people like, use that insight to develop templates. Notice the topics, design, and structure that is popular.
  • Find a way to repurpose one piece of content. Tailor the content and release it on diverse platforms.
  • Divide large content into smaller pieces. For example, from a full-length video, create shorter video and audio clips.
  • On the flipside, if small content is popular, make it bigger. For example, if you write a short comment that becomes popular, expand the topic into an essay,

Be Consistent, Be Persistent

Don’t give up. Work consistently.

For many people, success requires time and is a learning process. You need grit and determination. Do not be discouraged if you see others who appear to have found fast success. You need to find your path.

Your mistakes are valuable. When you solve problems, you grow. Mindset is actually very important. Perseverance is key.

Being consistent does not mean repeating what is not working. It means keep trying, continue evolving. Pay attention to your audience. Learn, pivot, develop.

Be Objective

Are you able to emotionally detach from your own content?

Imagine you are someone else looking it first time. In their shoes, what would you do? Would you scroll on by or stop and engage?

What makes you stop scrolling and click on a post? What turns you off? Think about how you would respond to imagine how others will respond.

When you can be self-aware and objective about your own content and your personal skill set, you are on the right track.

Let the Path Unfold Over Time

Be patient with yourself. Give yourself permission to make smart changes as you learn. Pay attention and learn when to pivot.

Create content with audience engagement.

Keep building and learning while your content compounds and your audience grows.

Published April 21, 2023